Wisdom from our Leadership

Sri B N Narasimha Murthy

Welcome to Sri Sathya Sai University for Human Excellence. We are a new University but one that comes with a track record of success in the path leading to its establishment. This is a place where human excellence is nurtured and future leaders are prepared for selfless service to humanity. Understanding the true significance of humanness makes one a true leader. By providing a transformative experience through the body, mind and soul, students will be nurtured here as highly skilled, self-reliant, compassionate and courageous men and women, prepared for leadership and supreme sacrifice for the well-being of society, leaving their indelible mark on it.

Prof Srikanta Murthy K

The entire world acknowledges and admires the profundity and depth of the wisdom of ancient India which is firmly rooted in spirituality. For the overall development of man, materialistic knowledge (jeevana upadi) alone is inadequate. It has to be supplemented with Spiritual wisdom (jeevana paramavadi). This University aims to equip all the students who enrol here, with a spiritual base firmly established in the Highest truths of Ancient India which in turn will enable them to put into application the various knowledge and skills which they acquire here for the overall upliftment of the society. The students constantly encounter stimulating situations which aim to bring them face-to-face with their respective strengths and limitations. The ultimate goal of this University is to assist every member to achieve excellence in every activity that they undertake, 'Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam', which is the motto of the University. I welcome all of you to join this journey towards the path of excellence.

Dr Hanumanth Rao Naidu
Registrar (Administration)

'Think Global, Act Local’, says Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The problems of the globe are rooted in rampant selfishness. This University in its womb will foster, nurture and protect the much needed selflessness. Setting itself as an example in this regard and akin to a true ancient Gurukula system, it would charge nothing whatsoever, rather, through its transformative values based education, it would charge up the pupil to tread the path of sacrifice to serve society selflessly.

Divine Guidance

Sri Sathya Sai Baba

To a spiritual aspirant, He is the divine master par excellence; to a rationalist, He is the greatest humanitarian on earth; to thousands of modern youth, He is the leader with a dynamic vision and a colossus of inspiration; to a devotee, He is simply divinity in human form; and to everyone who has had the opportunity to behold Him, He is Pure Love Walking on Two Feet.

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Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai

Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai is leading the mission of spirituality and service at Sathya Sai Grama that was started by a set of dedicated volunteers under the direct guidance of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, almost four decades ago. Walking in the footsteps of Baba, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai is furthering Baba’s mission by establishing various humanitarian service projects across 33 countries and counting.

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Sri Madiyala Narayana Bhat

Sri Narayana Bhat had a grand vision for the emancipation of his countrymen. He wanted to build a missionary organisation in the name of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. On 6th January 1976, Sri Narayan Bhat along with some of his loyal servitors submitted to Baba the desire to offer Loka Seva Vrinda along with its group of educational institutions to Him. Baba lovingly accepted.

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