Cultural values are the foundation of any institution, guiding its beliefs, behaviours, and overall ethos. Cultivating a strong and purposeful culture is crucial for an institution to thrive and fulfil its mission.

Sri Madhusudan Sai's daśānga, comprising the 5 C's for institutional culture and the 5 D's for individual values, provides a comprehensive framework of ten guiding principles.

Daśānga is derived from Sanskrit, where "Dasha" means "ten" and "Anga" means "limbs" or "parts."

5 C's for Institutional Values:

1.       Concern: Prioritise the well-being of those around you.

2.       Cleanliness: Maintain a high standard of cleanliness in both surroundings and self.

3.       Communication: Ensure that communication is truthful, timely, and kind.

4.       Collaboration: Work together harmoniously and selflessly.

5.       Continuous Improvement: Strive to be a better version of yourself every day.

5 D's for Individual Values:

1.       Duty (Dharma): Fulfil your obligations to contribute to the greater good.

2.       Devotion: Turn your actions into worship through love for God.

3.       Discipline: Cultivate self-discipline to control your actions and thoughts.

4.       Discrimination: Choose wisely, guided by your inner conscience.

5.       Detachment: Let go of attachments that hinder your spiritual growth.

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